Difference between datacenter proxies vs residential proxies

Difference: Datacenter Proxies vs Residential Proxies | Igniteproxy

Datacenter proxies and residential proxies are two types of proxies that are commonly used for a variety of purposes, including web scraping, anonymous browsing, and bypassing internet censorship. While both types of proxies can provide similar functionality, there are some key differences between datacenter proxies and residential proxies that users should be aware of.

Definition of datacenter proxies

Datacenter shared proxies are servers located in datacenters that can route internet traffic through a different IP address.

On the other hand, residential proxies are IP addresses assigned to homes or businesses by internet service providers (ISPs).


Datacenter proxies are typically owned and operated by proxy providers, while residential proxies are assigned to individuals or businesses by ISPs. This means that residential proxies are generally considered to be more “legitimate” or “real” than data center proxies, as they are associated with a specific physical location.


Datacenter proxies can be located anywhere in the world, while residential proxies are typically restricted to the region where the ISP operates. This means that datacenter proxies may have a wider range of locations available, which can be useful for users who need to access content from different regions.

Performance of datacenter proxies and residential proxies


Datacenter cheap private proxies can often offer faster connection speeds and lower latency than residential proxies, as they are typically located in data centers with higher-quality infrastructure.

However, residential proxies may offer a more “natural” browsing experience, as they are associated with a specific location and are less likely to be detected as proxies by websites and systems.


Datacenter proxies can often offer faster connection speeds and lower latency than residential proxies, as they are typically located in data centers with higher-quality infrastructure.

However, residential proxies may offer a more “natural” browsing experience, as they are associated with a specific location and are less likely to be detected as proxies by websites and systems.

Use cases

Datacenter proxies are generally more suitable for tasks that require high-speed, high-volume connections, such as web scraping or data mining.

Residential proxies are better suited for tasks that require a more “natural” browsing experience or the ability to access content that is restricted to specific locations, such as bypassing internet censorship or conducting market research.


In summary, our datacenter proxies and residential proxies are two types of proxies that offer different benefits and are suitable for different use cases of proxiesforrent cheap private proxies.

Datacenter proxies are generally faster and less expensive than residential proxies, but may be less “legitimate” or “real” and may not be as suitable for tasks that require a more “natural” browsing experience.

Residential proxies, on the other hand, may offer a more “natural” browsing experience and the ability to access content that is restricted to specific locations, but may be more expensive and may not offer the same level of performance as datacenter proxies.


1. What is the difference between DC and ISP proxies?

Datacenter Proxies are proxies that are not connected to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You can get anonymous IP authentication and complete privacy from them because they are provided by a separate business.

2. Are residential proxies legal?

Datacenter Proxies are proxies that are not connected to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You can get anonymous IP authentication and complete privacy from them because they are provided by a separate business.

3. What kind of proxy is ideal?

Datacenter Proxies are proxies that are not connected to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You can get anonymous IP authentication and complete privacy from them because they are provided by a separate business.

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